What is an Intuitive Salon?
Intuitive Salons are an opportunity for a small group of people to gather for intuitive coaching, psychic channeling, and energy healing.
Each participant presents a situation they want clarity and/or healing around. Then, we have a conversation with your Soul, guides, angels, and your pet (if applicable). We might even do some energy healing to support you and/or your pet.
Intuitive Salons are best used for questions related to health, career, business development, relationships, spirituality/intuitive development, and your pet like:
I’ve been offered two jobs. Which should I take? Why?
I really like the person I’ve been dating. Should I take it to the next level?
My cat has been peeing outside the litter box. What’s going on and how can I make it stop?
I’m sensing other people’s emotions more than I used to. What’s going on?
My intuition is getting stronger and I need help making sense of what’s happening.
What was my pet’s life like before I adopted them?
This situation at work has me confused. Can I tell you about it and then help me sort out what to do next?
I’m thinking about pivoting (changing careers, leaving a partner/spouse, moving my business in a different direction), but I’m scared. Is this really a good idea?
My dog is lethargic, licking hotpots, and/or acting weird. What’s going on and how can I help them?
The magic of an Intuitive Salon is the way themes emerge that all participants relate to. This is divine synchronicity and supports the clarity and growth of the whole. We all leave with a greater sense of wholeness and connection - to ourselves and those around us!
Benefits of Open Salons
Virtually and/or in-person in Tucson, AZ
A circle of 5-8 like minded, open hearted, intuitive humans.
Offered monthly on rotating days and times to accommodate people all over the world.
Virtual sessions recorded for future reference
Virtual sessions capped at 5 people; in-person at 8.
Not everyone who attends must receive a reading - being in the high frequency container is enough to connect with your own intuition, find clarity and alignment, and feel confident about your next steps.
I recommend you plan to stay the entire time. Synchronicities and healing abound as each person contributes to the circle. People keep coming back and make new friends.
Equity Pricing - The Sliding Scale offered for all Salons.
Advance registration required.